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Broadway Pizzeria Restaurant

North White Plains

Westchester County

10601, Pizzeria Restaurant, Italian cuisine and Pizza, North White Plains, NY, pizza or Italian entrees, vegetarian, Italian pastas, Restaurant Review, The word is Broadway Pizzeria Restaurant

Broadway Pizzeria Restaurant, serving Italian cuisine and Pizza, is located at 616 North Broadway, North White Plains, NY 10601 in Westchester County.

From Broadway Pizzeria: "If you're craving pizza or Italian entrees, Broadway Pizzeria satisfies in both departments. Choose from our wide variety of specialty pizzas that range from delicious vegetarian to succulent meat lovers. If these don't whet your appetite, we also have a sizeable menu of Italian pastas and dishes."

Restaurant Review
Serving lunch and dinner

The word is Visit this neighborhood pizzeria serving delicious pizza for more than 30 years. Choose from a selection of toppings, order it plain, or try one of Broadway's delicious soups, Italian heroes, salads, and more Italian specialties.

Location: North White Plains

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